
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Party! Oh yeah! Party!

HI this is coolio317 here! I am so so sorry for not posting recently! The reason for this post is I am trying to have a major big party! The party will be on the 26th! The server will be fjord! The party will start at 9:00PST. WE will start at the dock and when I say another room i am going to go to it!;) OK I have one requirement! It is that YOu will have to be wearing a party hat from the anniversery party! (if you have the red guitar please wear it) Well thats it! Please tell people to come!

1 comment:

Awesome Pen7 said...

That's the same day as my party except mine's at a different time and different room. Mine's at 6:00 pm cptz. Please come people and coolio.

Awesome Chat ~~~ No Cussing